This is my favorite game!! But iti no longer works with newer macs, it says it needs to be upgraded, but no update is available. Please, this is by far my favorite game.
This is my favorite game!! But iti no longer works with newer macs, it says it needs to be upgraded, but no update is available. Please, this is by far my favorite game.
and please updade this game to macos big sur i love it and i used to play it as a little kid please update it to mac os. bigsur with the same graphics and i would rate it 6 stars but i can't so i put 5
Yo i just started playing this game yesterday.update the game please so that I can continue playing
its great but needs a mode added the mode free mode drive with cars drive awownd
hold shift and s at the same time and you will not lose
this app needs to be updated to play to macOS Catalina please work on this game it is a fun enjoyable game and would hate to miss playing it. i love playing it lots of fun to play!
It was a fun game.....but, the Desginers seem to have abandoned it completey upon mojvae release and now with Catalina only supporting 64 bit software, it is no longer available to run.
OK, The latest “UPDATE” just made this app obsolete on my older Mac. Thanks a bunch. Where the F is the loyalty??? In the launch of my app, it is all black all the time, and no access to the game.
Don't let the fact that this game has bugs turn you away! This game is actually really fun once you look past the few issues it has. The sprint and circuit races are entertaining, and even reaplaying them to get a better time is fun in my opinion! The sandbox mode with coin collection is a bit boring, but still fun for the price of the game. Overall, this is a really fun game, and I'd highly recommend it! (Even though you can accelerate in reverse much quicker than in drive!)
Until a few months ago this was the best game ever! Now, when we open the app on our Mac all we get is a black screen with the music playing in the background. We’ve been waiting for months for this to be resolved, but no luck yet. We would GLADLY pay for this game it was so great. Is there any timeline for getting this bug fixed so that we don’t just get a black screen when opening???
First off, this game is great. However there are some bugs/major annoyances. Bugs - my race position keeps changing, so if i'm in first it could say i'm in 7th. Annoyances - Race time shouldn't include the countdown, race time should be everything between the GO! and crossing the finish line.
The game is fun. period. the sprint races are for a little bit of a challenge, the circuit races are for a more long term thing, and the coin races are just like a sandbox. Its hard to navigate, but unless you were born last week, it should make sense after some experience. Bugs- the game is pretty solid, and I rarely run into any bugs. Bugs are so rare that I can’t even recall any in specific. I do not think the game has ever crashed on me, and the physics engine is pretty legit, and you can phase through walls, but it seems more like a glitch attatched to some easter egg/feature. there are two things that kind of confuse me. what confuses me- there are two things that I can’t tell if they are bugs. First, if you can jump, or phase/glitch yourself out of the map and get automatically respawned from going out of bounds, you instantly get 250,000 cash. Like, this must be some sort of easter egg right? Why else would it do this, even when everyone else has finished the race and you’re not allowed to collect money? Lastly, this also must be a glitch, but if you drive backwards you will continue to accelerate without any apparent maximum speed. So fast, that I can phase through 1 or 2 walls before being thrown straight up or down extreme force.
I clicked on “new Games” attempting to start a new game, and got the developer’s new games. Not funny. Also, this game isn’t even 64 bit. I’m not sure why Apple even allows this to be on the App Store.
this game is great but it could use some work, i dont understand why everyone is so mad. The game is free!! its not amazing but its its relly fun if your bored and need to kill some time.
When i got this app i thought it would be so fun so when i was done playing the game i went to leave that app and it made my screen go black and i turned off my computer for like an hour and i came back to my computer and i logged in and it was still black so i pressed a LOT of things on my computer and i pressed F3 and it made that black go away and i deleted the app . I dont know if this was just me computer but if your computer goes black from this app press F3 thats all thank you for reading this bye.
Soundtrack scared the crap out of my friend when he downloaded this in class
the game is a great time waster, but they need to make it compatible with high sierra.
Please tell me why I get passed by a car in 1st place and instead of me becoming 2nd place, I go all the way down to 10th place without any other cars passing me. It is so buggy and needs to be fixed. Whatever place value I’m in, it changes without cars passing me or me passing cars. I could be in first place and it would say I’m in 10th. No, I am not lapping the cars, nor they lapping me. It is an issue that must be fixed. This is a fun game but I will not play it if very important bugs/glitches in it continue to be present.
Can you play the beginning of the game without having to purchase coins?
This game is pretty fun with a lot of potential, but needs some work. First off, the turbo power up has to go. It should be called the drunk driving power up. I dread running into one of these by accident. The screen goes blurry and weird and I always end up crashing. Secondly, the store platform in the game should be easier to use and understand. It took me a while to understand why a gold coin would even be useful, and then how to navigate back and forth to get to different options within the store. Overall a good game though.
This is the one game I acually could enjoy while I am at work waiting between appts. Now it doesn’t work. Fix it quickly please.
Great little game — I’ve played it for years. But a few days ago, it quit working. It will not even launch, Removing, redownloading from App Store and reinstalling was of no help. Right now the game is useless. I do hope the problem, whatever it may be, gets resolved soon.
Was working fine, stopped working suddenly 2 days ago. Same as for Cjmart, re-download as suggested did not help.
I think this game would be awesome if it didn’t download with a damaged file of some sort. It tells me to delete and then reinstall, but the same thing happens each time I do this. Please fix this and I’m sure that it will deserve a better review =)
Beat everything and cant wait for DLC.
its a fun game but the steering is a little sensitive. other then the steering issue its fun!!!
Don’t get me wrong, this is a great game but it desperately needs an update. All they’ve have for two years was the same level with all of the racees and such. They need an update to have more areas. Racing in the coin race the same time over and over agian starts to get boring. The makers need an update. 4.5 of 5 stars.
Store doesn’t work any more, the physics are bizarre, and the controls are broken.
I enjoy this game for brief periods of playability. There are a few problems. Occasionally the cars become unsteerable using the keys on my Mac. I wrote to support about this and have received absolutely no response. I went to the store and saw this actual note. OS X 7 (Lion) is required for purchases. Your system is 10.10.4 (correct) consider upgrading [sic] to Lion. I think this section needs an upgrade developers.
Hey, you, I’m telling the truth for a short moment. I’m able to hold a new meeting for the night. It’s even the joke for a new program and I’ve prepared a new service for the time when I meet you. But one thing is that I’ve made a critical mistake from the sheet. I’ve also sent a quick message from the page. Yours for all, Me
My granddaughter and I like to play this game a lot when she comes to visit. We have over 8 million in dollars but can’t exchange it for coins because it says that my computer system needs updated to lion 10.6. That would be going backwards for me because I have Yosemite 10.10.2. Doesn’t RC mini racers operate correctly with Yosemite?
this app is so good i love it its so fun yayyayyayyayyay
The game itself is ok, just I don’t like how to get cars, you need to use REAL money.
the racing is fun but i wish you didnt have to use real money to buy new cars and in the coin race it is almost imposible to get the coins most of the time the graphic are great but some times you get stuck in walls hope this helps
The game is fun, good play no doubt however... I had to reload it and the purchases I had previously made won’t restore through the apple store. I’ve tried a dozen times over three weeks. Who’s responsible? Don’t know. I do know I don’t have this issue with any other app.
Have tried to install this app a few times now and has yet to load. Very disappointed.
Hey guys get this game but there is one problem. I go to the store and my operating system is 10.10.1 and it says upgrade to lion. I have the latest version of the game if anyone knows how to fix this please tell me. Other then that though great game.
i like it and it is soooooo adicting that everyone should play it. but what stinks though is that we cant drive all the cars….. we have to buy them and i dont even have money to buy it
This is the worst game of all time.
If the creators, Decane, are still making games, they should stop, they have very little balance between in game earnable currency and micro transactions,
I am unable to do any in-app purchases. It says i need Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) or newer. I am running Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite).
This is a good game and is oddly addicting I like it and its fun.
I love playing this game with my friends!!
This is one of the best racing games I’ve played.
A bit surprised to learn this game is rated for 4+. The navigation is frustrating for children. I would not recommend this game for average PC user who plans to use a mouse and keyboard. Will lead to frustrated and upset kids. Unless you have a complete system setup for gaming (Steering wheel, joystick, and various accessories).
Amazing game just please add multiplayer!!!
Really awesome game, graphics are great and too much fun to play. It’s pretty realistic for a rc car. But I finished the whole game in an hour and there is nothing to do now.